Growing the FCI ecosystem
The FCI Collaboratorium harnesses the talents and experience of our partners to grow the movement of faith-consistent investing. We do so by working together to address obstacles and challenges faced by faith groups seeking to align their investments with their values. Below are 14 projects which the partner organisations are currently working on.
14 collaborative projects to grow the FCI ecosystem
Laudato Si' Action Platform participants deepen their understanding of ecological economics and are equipped to take action
Lead partner: Laudato Si' Movement
Supporting partners: FaithInvest, Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
Laudato Si’ Movement (LSM) is partnering with FaithInvest to use the Laudato Si’ Action Platform to equip Catholic institutions to understand the basis of ecological economics in Catholic Social Teaching and to take action, using blogs, social media, and webinars. The Laudato Si' Action Platform is a programme of the Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, and LSM serves as its operational partner.
Cohorts to increase the IMM skill set of
faith-based investors
Lead partner: Global Impact Investing Network
Supporting partners: Investor Advocates for Social Justice, Racial Justice Investing
Three organisations (The Global Impact Investing Network, Racial Justice Investing, and Investor Advocates for Social Justice) are partnering to create faith-based investor cohorts. Cohort participants will learn how to articulate a vision and socialise a shared understanding in their organisation of how their mission and faith intersect with their investment choices, and they will feel more motivated and skilled at measuring and managing that impact across their portfolios. Convening these cohorts aims to contribute to scaling institutional-level investing efforts and increasing the amount of faith-based assets committed to impact investing.
Building the power of faith-based Investors through engagement with large asset managers
Lead partner: Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
Supporting partners: Investor Advocates for Social Justice
For faith-based asset owners to realise their goal to invest for positive impact and to further ensure their investments across all asset classes – including public and private equity – do not cause harm, they need to engage more actively with their asset managers. Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and Investor Advocates for Social Justice are building the capacity of faith-based asset owners to articulate and advocate for faith- and values-based investment principles with their asset managers. This includes making the case for corporate engagement and proxy voting on key environmental, social, and governance issues.
Delivering immersive FCI training for
faith-based change-makers
Lead partner: FaithInvest
Supporting partners: Francesco Collaborative
Francesco Collaborative offers the Livable Future Investing Workshop, a virtual, four-week collaborative workshop that inspires and resources asset stewards to become protagonists of transformation, particularly by integrating their faith and values with the finances of their institution. Now, Francesco Collaborative is expanding the reach of their workshops and building the pedagogical capacity of another important organisation in the ecosystem through a partnership with FaithInvest. FaithInvest will incorporate the Liveable Future Investing Workshop into its own educational offerings, including launching a mutli-faith cohort training.
Lead partner: Operation Noah
Supporting partners: FaithInvest, JustMoney Movement
Operation Noah is leading a series of actions to educate UK and Ireland-based churches on using investments for climate solutions, in partnership with FaithInvest. In 2023, the organisations hosted a conference in central London called Church Investments in Climate Solutions: Financing a Liveable Future. The event, attended by church investors, asset managers, and NGO leaders, was filmed and has now been turned into a series of five, free-to-access films with an accompanying guide.
At the conference, leaders invited attendees to take a pledge to increase their investments in climate solutions and continue to encourage Churches and faith groups to take the pledge.
Promoting climate solutions pledge for faith-based investors
Lead partner: Operation Noah
Supporting partners: FaithInvest, JustMoney Movement
Operation Noah and JustMoney Movement have developed the Green Investment Declaration, a pledge campaign designed to support Churches and other faith institutions across the globe increase their investments in climate solutions to build a greener future. The pledge campaign was launched in June 2024.
Advancing inclusion and justice in mission-aligned investing
Lead partner: Investor Advocates for Social Justice
Supporting partners: Impacted Stakeholder Organization, Racial Justice Investing
IASJ is partnering with a number of organisations to build a robust toolkit to assist investors in taking meaningful steps towards faith-based investing in alignment with their mission and values, with the ultimate goal of advancing inclusion and justice in mission aligned investing. IASJ is co-creating tools and resources with organisations in the faith-based investing ecosystem and grassroot and grasstop organisations that represent marginalised communities most impacted by climate, environmental, and economic injustice, to bridge gaps of understanding between investors and marginalised communities. Some tools in development include investment and shareholder advocacy impact metrics and educational opportunities.
Expanding learnings for Catholic investors
Lead partner: Francesco Collaborative
Supporting partners: FaithInvest, Catholic Impact Investing Collaborative (CIIC)
Francesco Collaborative (including CIIC) and FaithInvest are collaborating to help Catholic investors have more seamless investing experiences and impactful outcomes. They are working to build a Catholic investor community, which includes involvement in a community of practice and support to investors experiencing gaps with pipeline, diligence, policies and governance, and more.
Mission-driven investing programme
Lead partner: Francesco Collaborative
Supporting partners: FADICA
Francesco Collaborative and FADICA are working together to support and further institutionalise and sustain FADICA’s Mission-Driven Investing programme, offering on-ramps to the programme for more foundations and donors. As part of this collaboration, Francesco Collaborative holds trainings for FADICA members and is helping to develop a content library for their programming.
Lead partner: FaithInvest
Supporting partners: Operation Noah, IASJ, World Evangelical Alliance, Union of Superiors General
In collaboration with a number of organisations, including Operation Noah, IASJ, World Evangelical Alliance, and Union of Superiors General, FaithInvest delivered an introduction to faith-consistent investing course, designed to demystify and help faith-based investors understand the basics of faith consistent investing. The four-week, live-taught, online course, Faithful Finance: An Introduction to Aligning Investments with Faith Values, covers the foundational principles of faith-based investing and aims to empower representatives of faith-based organisations with knowledge, skills and confidence.
Designing a bespoke commingled product for a faith network
Lead partner: FIIND Impact Foundation
Supporting partners: FaithInvest
FIIND Impact Foundation is working with FaithInvest and the Cabrini sisters (Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart) to develop a bespoke investing product which is faith-value aligned. We are currently testing the concept of a value and faith-aligned climate portfolio, a low-cost private market fund of funds which will also have a strong social impact next to deep decarbonisation climate impact.
Ongoing convening of faith-based chief investment officers and other key investment decision makers
Lead partner:
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
Supporting partners:
Investor Advocates for Social Justice
ICCR and IASJ convened faith- and values-based CIOs and other investment decision makers to further peer learning and support asset owners as they select and evaluate their asset managers to ensure they are aligned with the priorities of their faith- and values-based clients.
Measuring the impact of shareholder advocacy by faith- and values-based investors, and using data to inform strategy
Lead partner: Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
Supporting partners: Investor Advocates for Social Justice
This project seeks to build a new tool that can help ICCR members better capture and report the impact of their shareholder advocacy both for strategy and reporting purposes. As an active filer who conducts shareholder advocacy on behalf of nearly 40 faith-based affiliates, IASJ's involvement in the development of this tool will be critical to ensuring its utility and relevance for faith-based investors.
Expand land use as an investment opportunity
Lead partner: Operation Noah
Supporting partners: A Rocha, Church of Ireland, A Rocha's Partners in Action, John Ray Initiative, Communion Forest
Operation Noah is collaborating with a number of organisations, including A Rocha, Church of Ireland, A Rocha’s Partners in Action, John Ray Initiative, and Communion Forest, to strengthen the faith-based investing ecosystem’s work in land use. This project involves creating a training for church denominations on how to use land as an asset, expanding the faith-based land use ecosystem through supportive resources and network meetings, and launching a campaign on tree growing and ecosystem restoration.

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