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Laudato Si' Movement
Laudato Si' Movement
Laudato Si’ Movement is a global Catholic organisation. Inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si, the movement inspires and mobilises the Catholic community to care for our common home and achieve climate and ecological justice, in collaboration with all people of good will. It brings together a broad range of Catholic organisations and grassroots members who pray, collaborate and mobilise in response to 'the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.'
What we do
Laudato Si' Movement serves Catholic individuals and institutions around the globe to help the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics bring Laudato Si’ to life.
Their work includes:​
ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION, bringing about a change of spirit in the Catholic faithful and motivating a more passionate concern for our common home, enshrining creation care as a Catholic priority.
TOTAL SUSTAINABILITY, helping the Catholic community lead by example and live within its planetary means, in line with the urgency of the climate and ecological crises.
PROPHETIC ADVOCACY, mobilising the Church to raise a prophetic voice for climate and ecological justice, calling for bold policies to accomplish the Paris Agreement’s goal of 1.5C and halt biodiversity collapse.
GLOBAL AND REGIONAL CAMPAIGNS, offering hands-on opportunities for the faithful to take action together.
More information: www.laudatosimovement.org
Contact: info@laudatosimovement.org

To inspire and mobilise the Catholic community to care for our common home and achieve climate and ecological justice, in collaboration with all people of good will.
– Mission of LSM
LSM in the FCI Collaboratorium
Laudato Si' Movement is the project lead for a key project in the FCI Collaboratorium:
Developing immersive training for Catholic leaders.
In this work it collaborates with a wide range of partners, including FaithInvest.
Watch this one-minute video showing highlights from the work of Laudato Si' Movement in 2023.
News & updates from Laudato Si' Movement

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