Partner focus
Interfaith Center on
Corporate Responsibility
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility is a coalition of faith- and values-based investors who view shareholder engagement with corporations as a powerful catalyst for change. Our statement, 'inspired by faith, committed to action', sets forth our pledge to be active owners, and to engage meaningfully with the companies in our portfolios through the process of shareholder engagement that we pioneered more than 50 years ago.
What we do
Our guiding principle as shareholders is that sustainable corporations must look beyond the next earnings report to account for the full impact of their businesses on society, and must view the well-being of all of their stakeholders ― including their workers and the communities where they operate — as integral to their long-term value.
Our work includes:​
Addressing the climate crisis by accelerating the Just Transition to a NET-ZERO ECONOMY.
Advancing WORKER JUSTICE by working together to advance dignity and justice for all working people.
A Commitment to HEALTH EQUITY and Safeguarding the human right to health, which includes equitable access to medicines and health technology, plus nutrition insecurity.
An INVESTOR ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS to further a human rights-based approach to investing.
More information: www.ICCR.org
Contact: info@iccr.org

'Greater equity for people and long-term sustainability for the planet' may sound lofty to some ears, yet it remains — since our inception in 1971 — our authentic and driving purpose.
ICCR in the FCI Collaboratorium
ICCR is the project lead for three projects in the FCI Collaboratorium:
Building the power of faith-based Investors through engagement with large asset managers.
Ongoing convening of faith-based chief investment officers and other key investment decision makers.
Measuring the impact of shareholder advocacy by faith- and values-based investors, and using data to inform strategy.
ICCR's supporting partner in all three projects is Investor Advocates for Social Justice.
Watch this video case study by Nadira Narine from ICCR showing how their work enables investors to join forces with workers for justice.
News & updates from Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

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