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Sunrise over Mountains

Partner focus

Operation Noah

Operation Noah

Operation Noah is a UK-based Christian charity working with the Church to inspire action on the climate crisis, established in 2004. We are faith-motived, science-informed and hope-inspired. We work with churches of all denominations to address the climate crisis, encouraging them to divest from fossil fuels and invest in climate solutions such as renewable energy. 

What we do
OperationNoah logo.jpg

Operation Noah asks Christians and churches to look at their values as they relate to climate change, and asks how they should respond in light of this. 


It does this in several ways:​

  • THEOLOGY: We published Bible-based study for groups and churches on the climate crisis called 'Tenants of the King'.

  • CAMPAIGNING: Our major campaign calling for churches to become fossil-free is called Bright Now.

  • EQUIPPING: We organise webinars and online trainings, distribute a monthly newsletter and our staff speak in churches and at conferences.

  • PRAYER: We have been involved in prayer and fasting for climate change, and encourage our supporters to pray for our work.

  • PARTNERSHIPS: We work with many organisations that share our concerns about the climate crisis.


More information:


'Acting on climate change goes beyond what we can do as individuals or as a church to reduce our carbon footprints. It goes right to the heart of our faith and spiritual calling and challenges us to be a prophetic voice for climate justice.'
– Operation Noah

Operation Noah in the FCI Collaboratorium

Operation Noah is the project lead on three projects in the FCI Collaboratorium:



Operation Noah's supporting partners in these projects are FaithInvest , JustMoney Movement, A Rocha, John Ray Initiative and Communion Forest.

The launch of the Bright Now campaign's report on church investment in climate solutions

News & updates from Operation Noah
Financing a Liveable Future:
How Your Faith Can Invest in Climate Action

On Earth Day, 22 April 2024, Operation Noah and FaithInvest launched an exciting new video series, 'Financing a Liveable Future'.


This innovative project is designed to empower faith-based organisations to put their values into action.


Stewardship of creation is a core value of many faiths, and one of the key ways to put this value into action is by investing in climate solutions.

Watch the short video introduction here, then click the button underneath it to watch the full series.

Coming soon: Green Investment Declaration

We are launching this new initiative in early May 2024. Details to follow!

Mountain Landscape


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© 2023-2024 developed by FaithInvest on behalf of the FCI Collaboratorium


FaithInvest is a registered charity in England and Wales  (number: 1187015) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number: 11862410).

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