Partner focus
FaithInvest is an international, not-for-profit network of religious groups and faith-based institutional investors. We serve faith organisations seeking to invest in line with their values to achieve environmental and social impact to create a better world.
What we do
FaithInvest was founded in 2019 following the Faith in Finance meeting in Zug, Switzerland, in 2017, after participants unanimously decided that a new organisation was needed to accelerate faith-consistent investing. Our mission is to empower religious asset owners to align their investments with their faith values, for the benefit of people and planet.
We do this by:
Convening a vibrant NETWORK for faith-based investors
Holding inspiring EVENTS & GATHERINGS to share experiences, ideas and opportunities
Providing insightful TRAINING, education, exchange and collaboration
Offering tailored, one-on-one ACCOMPANIMENT on the faith-consistent investing journey through a range of free-to-access and paid-for services
Publishing RESEARCH, CASE STUDIES and GUIDES to help faith groups deliver on faith-consistent investing
More information: www.faithinvest.org
Contact: info@faithinvest.org

'We believe faiths can be creative engines of profound change for a sustainable world when they align their investments to their deep beliefs, values and teachings'
– Dr Lorna Gold, FaithInvest CEO
FaithInvest in the FCI Collaboratorium
The need for education and training of faith groups and faith leaders in values-driven investing was one of the three key areas identified by the FCI Collaboratorium.
To that end, FaithInvest is leading a project to develop training on faith-consistent investing. Our first course began on February 28; aimed at faith groups, it is be the first course that is suitable for all faith traditions rather than specifically aimed at members of a particular religion. The second course begins on May 7.
We are also in conversation with a number of other groups to develop courses tailored for their particular communities.

News & updates from FaithInvest
Some of our convenings in recent years
Left to right, from top: FaithInvest CEO Dr Lorna Gold delivers the opening address at the Faith Pavilion on Finance Day at COP28, December 2023; Our Liveable Futures event, co-hosted with Christian Aid, May 2023; Delegates at the Liveable Futures event, May 2023; FaithInvest Founding President Martin Palmer meets Daoist leaders in Hong Kong, including Dr Lee Yiu-fai, Abbot of Wong Tai Sin Temple, March 2023; Participants at our Bold Plans conference, Oct 2022; A meeting of Asian faith partners, Indonesia, September 2022: FaithInvest's Catherine Devitt and Lorna Gold with partners at the Stockholm+50 meeting, June 2022; A meeting of Catholic faith leaders at An Tairseach, Ireland, May 2022; Meetings with faith partners during COP26 in Glasgow, November 2021

Let’s work together